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The new local companies registered in Hong Kong si
Editor:admin  Date:2021-06-15  Browse:6801 Text Size Print

July 14, according to Hong Kong's Wen Wei Po reported, the latest data show that local investment and entrepreneurship remains strong. Companies Registry statistics released yesterday show that in the first half of this year the total number of local companies newly incorporated "Companies Ordinance" reached a record 95,408 rooms, compared with between 89,035 late last year increased by 7.16%. 
Registrar of Companies Ada Chung said the first six months of this year, the number of local companies newly registered record high, which was "registered easy" website has 21,978 companies incorporated between. 
New "Companies Ordinance" This year started March 3, prescription organizing or participating in more than 70 seminars to the public more clearly the major changes brought about by the new regulations. Ada Chung said the new regulations for the establishment of companies operating in Hong Kong and provides a legal framework for modernization. The new regulations have four main objectives: to strengthen corporate governance, facilitate business, ensuring a more appropriate regulatory and legislative modernization of the company, in order to consolidate Hong Kong's position as an international business and financial center. 
Newly registered non-Hong Kong company minus 8% 
As of the end of June this year, the total number on the register of companies among local companies to 1,233,780, compared with 1,162,931 at the end of last year increased by 70,849 between. In the first half of this year, setting up a place of business in Hong Kong and in accordance with "the Companies Ordinance" the newly registered non-Hong Kong companies a total of 393, compared with 428 in the second half of last year fell by 8.18%. As of the end of June this year, the total number of registered non-Hong Kong company's 9,432 rooms.

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