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Hong Kong Universal teach you how to choose an off
Editor:admin  Date:2014-09-03  Browse:2604 Text Size Print

How to choose an offshore company? 
In fact, there are many jurisdictions offshore companies, some people may have common characteristics. Common features are as follows: 
a) set the file - must have a memorandum and) the articles of association (M & A write down, simply put, the powers and responsibilities of directors and shareholders, as well as how the internal structure of an offshore company to manage and operate. 
B) Certificate of Incorporation (CI) - This is a proof of the existence of the company is a legal entity, a document in legal terminology. 
C) The registered agent or secretary - this is an offshore company must appoint a local agent or secretary is responsible for handling common requirements of all official or correspondings. 
D) the registered office - it is also an offshore company must have a registered office and inform the Registrar of Companies, which is to receive all official correspondings legal address common requirements. 
Five) shareholders as the company's owner - in the file, such as the formation of the initial acquisition, the shareholders will subscribe for the shares to pick up an offshore company, became the company's owner. The current state is the sole investor; they do not involve the offshore company's management and operations. 
F) in the file, such as the formation of the initial merger, the shareholders appoint the directors will manage and run the company's offshore business. They are not the owner of the company, nor investors. They are law firm employees. 
G needed) statutory records to be kept - the company law or rule requires companies to maintain a detailed internal structure of the company to update the statutory records, details of company and its changes and changes in the details, such as shareholders, the details and movements of directors and equity details its change. 
Eight) updated annually - almost all offshore jurisdictions require the company to do its license renewal application for renewal each year or maintain, whether internal or external. 
All jurisdictions will share listed the same functionality, but we believe that the following are the more common, in our opinion. 
Belize, British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Nevis, Samoa, Seychelles, Delaware (USA) and the United Kingdom.

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