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Dwell Chinese company set up
Editor:admin  Date:2014-09-04  Browse:2910 Text Size Print

Hong Kong Universal Warning: Do not go out and find other offshore formation services websites until you've read this, I believe your information found here you can always get from other professional websites, I promise! 
Everyone knows where China. There is no need to boot your location. China is a big country, with over 12 billion people (but 3-4 billion poor); Compared with the United States, only two billion people. This is indeed a very big, right? This is why many people want to get into business in China. Now, China is still the country (and the 1st plant manufacturer) a factory, more than 80% are made in China, such as products, and exported worldwide. China is still in development, both in the legal, political or economic. Here, we only focus on economic development, I think the merchants would like to know more about it, as well as the development of the law, when doing business in China, overseas businesses may have disputes. 
China is now using an open market economy. Due to the impact of the global financial crisis, many countries are facing economic recession. Even the United States, a strong No. 1 economy, its economy has affected many economies in other countries, but the United States economy is still in recession also facing very difficult economic burden (through the issuance of a number of long-term government bonds). But other countries, like the United States and many European countries or Western countries, the Chinese economy has been restored. China can not rely on the export or re-from the United States and other countries. She is implementing its own internal economic policies led to economic growth. In the past, it is very difficult for foreign investors to do business in China, even if you have a substantial amount of money. Now that China has joined the WTO (World Trade Organization), it becomes easier. In addition, as Hong Kong became part of China, Hong Kong has signed a CEPA (Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement) agreement with China. Therefore, the use of Hong Kong companies to enter China is easier to do business. Please note that Hong Kong is part of China, Hong Kong still follow the British legal system and legal England; China to follow China's legal system and laws of China. In China, the official language is Chinese. Therefore, all legal documents and company documents and related documents must be Chinese.

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